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Questions to Ask When Looking for a Snow Removal Contractor


Are you tired of doing your own snow removal and are in search of a company to take care of this wintry task but don’t know what questions to ask?


Here are 5  questions you should keep in mind when calling a potential snow removal contractor. 

  1.  What services do you provide? Depending on the conditions forecast, many snow removal companies are prepared and ready to lay down salt or other deicers, such as calcium chloride, as soon as bad weather is expected. If a snow that can’t be handled with deicing is expected, removal companies will plow, haul snow, and shovel sidewalks and other walkways in order to maintain safety.
  2. How many employees you have and what equipment do you use? Most companies employ radio dispatchers in addition to their snow removal specialists. They may also have at their disposal commercial grade equipment such as skid steers, front-end loaders, snow plows and pushers.
  3. What planning takes place before the storm? Many companies will visit your site when you contract with them so they can plan for the precise services that may be required when a storm actually hits. Make a plan with the provider that will best suit your needs.
  4. What priority is given to my needs? Chances are any given snow removal company has several clients, so you may or may not be the first on the list for snow removal service. If you have any special needs that should give you priority such as unique business hours, you will want to let the company know.
  5. What is the cost, and how is it calculated? The cost varies based on the market conditions of a particular area and current fuel costs. If you know you live in an area of the country that is likely to experience a certain amount of snow, you may be able to lock in a reasonable rate because the company will expect a minimum amount of work.

Always check with references given by the company, get estimates from at least 3 contractors, and be sure to check their insurance, bonding and licensing when hiring a Snow Removal Company.

If you are located in Lancaster, Berks or Lebanon counties in Central PA, give us a call for your snow removal needs! Call A+ Landscaping at  717- 335-1690 for a free snow removal quote.